Dunkerque Neptune Grand Large

This project faces one of the bays of the Port of Dunkerque, with the characteristic cranes of a port and industrial landscape along the distant horizon, and for a neighbor, the brand new FRAC du Nord Pas-de-Calais [Contemporary Art Center].

The “dancing” roofs create, through their movement, gaps and shifts in height offering each apartment terraces with views of the sea and the interior garden, bordered by immaculate townhouses.

From top to bottom, a gradation of colors between earth and sky reflects the movement of the neighboring harbor’s tides. In the few blue accents and the luster of the material originates a dialogue with the nearby sea and diaphanous horizon, like Dunkerque’s sky, for anyone who watches this new Grand Large complex from afar.

Maîtres d’ouvrage  : NACARAT | BECI

Architecte :  Babel | Michel Seban & Associés

Mission :  Complète

Programme  : 50 logements BBC en VEFA

3 682 m² SP | 5,15 M€ HT