Rennes La Mabilais

To the north, the Vilaine river, to the east a vast public square at the heart of the Mabilais urban development zone created by Alexandre Chemetoff.

Townhouses form the foreground of the park, thus synchronizing the scale with the multiple family homes located behind them, whose top two floors have been converted into duplexes resembling houses “perched on rooftops. ”

Between the two, private gardens frame a small pedestrian pathway, parallel to the street, and intersecting with the block’s pathways to the park.

Everything here is done in order to take advantage of the view and gardens and forget the Paris-Brest train line behind the trees to the west.

Maître d’ouvrage :  Aiguillon Construction

Architecte : Babel | Michel Seban & Associés

Mission :  Complète

Programme : 58 logements locatifs et 12 maisons en accession

5900 m² | 3,6 M€HT